Posted April 16, 2019 4:56 pm by Comments

By Brandon Curtis

HAMILTON, OHIO — When a father and son realtor team got word that one of their properties had been broken into, they went to investigate. What they found when they got there was a man inside, claiming to be armed, and that’s when things got violent.

Right off the bat, I’ll make a note about the approach of this incident. Here’s what happened;

  • They are informed that the home was broken into
  • The next day, they go to investigate

What should have happened;

  • They are informed that the home was broken into
  • Call police and have them come to the property when they go to investigate

Walking into a vacant property can be dangerous, but walking into a vacant property that has recently been burglarized can be even more dangerous. People squat in these vacant homes all the time. Some are just looking for a place to go, and some are dangerous and up to no good.

Kyle Morrical described the encounter, “He told us he had a gun and a knife. He was either going to shoot us or stab us and he punched me in my face,” Kyle said.

[His father] said, “When I thought he could be a threat to Kyle, yeah I got involved physically …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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