Posted April 27, 2018 8:40 pm by Comments

By Brandon Curtis

If there’s one thing that we can’t argue with, it’s the sheer will to survive when faced with a dangerous situation. How people handle the situation, though, will vary from person to person.

Some will get as far away as possible. Some will hide and hope that they aren’t hurt or killed.

And others, well… others will grab life by the ***** and dive in head first.

That’s exactly what this man did as he was waiting in line at the register when an armed thug came barging in to rob the place.

As the armed man comes in, he first waves the firearm at the person behind the counter, and then trains it on our cowboy. That was his 2nd mistake. The 1st mistake was being a thug.

The mugger then points the gun at the hero, who is wearing a beige cowboy hat with denim biker coat, before turning away to threaten the shoppers in the store.

But taking his eyes off the cowboy proves to be a costly mistake as the hero takes his chance, rushing the criminal and smashing the revolver out of his hand.

That’s when the cowboy sprung into action, but not before casually taking off his sun …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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