Posted June 19, 2015 8:00 pm by Comments

By Dan Zimmerman


Matthew Applegate writes:

Let me preface this message and tell you that I am a socialist, earth-loving, big government hippy. I believe that health care should be a right of all Americans, that there should be public colleges that anyone (regardless of income) can get educated in the trades or acquire a degree with little-to-no money out of pocket, and that Social Security needs to be expanded so that we can all retire at a decent age (and squeak in a few years before we meet our maker), and not have to worry about paying the electric bill. I believe that every American that puts in a 40+ hour work week should not live in poverty, and that the billionaire class and mega-corporations need to butt-out of our electoral process and stop buying politicians. I’m also a gun owner, and I firmly believe in our Constitutional and natural right to defend ourselves against those that wish to do us harm . . .

You can see where I’m going here; I’m a Bernie Sanders fan. After the terrible violence in South Carolina, I received the following email from the Sanders campaign and I was pleasantly surprised to see it devoid of any …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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