Posted March 3, 2018 10:52 pm by Comments

By Gregory Smith

As an Army officer, I pledged my life to the Constitution of the United States. I live by that pledge even now. But when the Second Amendment was drafted, the Redcoats really were coming. Our standing army numbered in the hundreds.
Ralph Peters

In a New York Post column and Fox News interview, Ralph Peters, a retired Army officer, has violated his enlistment oath. He is no longer protecting the entire constitution, including the 2nd Amendment.

He begins his anti-gun rant as most anti-gunners do, by mentioning his family’s involvement with firearms. “I’m not really anti-gun! My father was a champion skeet shooter.” I don’t care if your father was Annie Oakley after getting a sex change, you are anti-gun.

He continues by reminding us our his military service.

I served in the US Army, including unforgettable years in an infantry battalion. I fired my share of automatic weapons, from M16A1s to machine guns and even Kalashnikovs. (Let’s not talk about dud-grenade disposal . . .)

Yes, lots of people have served in the armed forces. Remember Lee Harvey Oswald? He was a marine. That’s why it’s not enough to wear a uniform, you have to love the country you’re fighting …Read the Rest

Source:: Selling the Second Amendment

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