Posted October 28, 2016 4:26 pm by Comments

By AmmoLand Editor JE

Wendy Long.
Wendy Long.
Raquel Okyay.
Raquel Okyay.

By Raquel Okyay

USA -( Senate candidate from the Empire State earns accolades for openly opposing the gun-hating, 17-year- incumbent liberal Democrat, Sen. Charles “Chuckie” E. Schumer.

“Schumer is basically a premier enemy of the people and probably the whole congress,” said Wendy Long, who is the U.S. Senate nominee for the Republican, Conservative and Reform Parties. “He has consistently been rated ‘F’ by the NRA, his answer to everything is gun control, and he never wastes the chance to undermine Americans’ rights under the Second Amendment.”

Thomas H. King, President of New York State Rifle & Pistol Assoc., the oldest gun club in the nation, said that Schumer has a terrible record of being anti-gun.

“Schumer has either sponsored or has been a co-sponsor on every single anti-gun bill that has come through the Senate. He is the type of politician that will say he is a supporter of your Second Amendment rights because he supports your hunting rights, and that’s all he’ll ever say, and as you and I both know, hunting rights have nothing to do with the Second Amendment.”

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Source:: AmmoLand

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