Posted April 11, 2018 8:00 pm by Comments

By John Crump

Police Return Guns to Prohibited Person, then Call ATF to Re-Arrest Him

U.S.A.-( Steven Drew Montana was a welder at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Mississippi. In February 2016, Montana complained to the security officer at the shipyard that people were stealing his property from the yard.

The NCIS officer thought Montana was experiencing “some mental issues” due to the way that Montana was acting. The security officer confiscated Montana’s work badge and told Montana to immediately leave the shipyard. Montana complied the order, but he would later return to his work site claiming people forced him to take drugs and were following him.

The officer notified Pascagoula police about his concern about Montana’s mental state. The cops stopped Montana’s truck, and in their opinion, he was acting erratically. Police found several firearms in Montana’s vehicle. He wasn’t committing a crime, but he was violating Ingalls policy about guns on company policy which is not an arrestable offense. The police were still concerned about Montana’s mental health, so they took him into custody.

Soon after, Montana, 26, had the rest of his guns seized by police on a court order. A Chancery Court judge committed him to a state mental institution in Purvis …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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