Posted January 16, 2018 5:31 pm by Comments

By Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten

Arizona -( While discussing bear attacks, a consistent refrain is that pistols are useless as a way to defend yourself against bears.

In discussion groups, nay sayers claim that pistols are difficult to use, of insufficient power, and there are numerous instances where people who attempted to use pistols to defend against bears are badly mauled.

I have read of numerous cases where people used pistols to successfully defend against bears, so I asked one poster to give some examples where pistol defenses failed.

The exchange occurred on

“Actually, there are legions of people who have been badly mauled after using a handgun on a bear. Even some of the vaunted magnums.”

OK, give us a few examples. As you claim “legions”, it should not be too hard.

I never received a response. I believe the claim was made in good faith. Posters on freerepublic are known for their honesty and courtesy… or it might be the site’s moderators. There has been a plethora of fantasy, fiction, mythology, and electrons sprayed about the inefficacy of pistols used on bears. It takes some serious digging to separate fact from fiction.

I have been engaged in a search for instances where a …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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