Posted November 28, 2017 5:30 pm by Comments

By Ammoland Editor Joe Evans

Chestnut Hill
Chestnut Hill

USA -( Persimmons are often referred to as Deer Candy being highly attractive for taste and nutrition, dropping from late August thru November depending on variety.

As for nutritional composition, the fruits contain 26 to 4 percent sugar and are high in carbohydrates, starches, iron, phosphorous, potassium and vitamin C. They are low in protein, fat, and calcium. They provide a delicious and efficient high energy snack that will help deer build body reserves for winter.

Native American Persimmons are dioecious (meaning male and female plants), so when you have several trees not producing fruit they are either not mature enough (females usually reach sexual maturity at 6 to 10 years) or your male/female ratio is off.

You can determine the sex of a tree in the spring when it is flowering. female persimmons have single flowers on each petiole or stalk and male trees have multiple flowers per stalk.

Native plants create sustainable ecosystems perfectly matched to their location and the creatures that live within the ecosystem’s boundaries. Natives are typically less expensive and easier to grow which is the real attraction and make the best backbone to any natural habitat.

Most of us don’t want to wait the time it …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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