Posted May 27, 2015 1:28 pm by Comments

By [email protected] (Rick Ector)

Paradox: Pragmatism Protects Predators

I am a Personal Protection Trainer. I teach people how to exercise a more active role in their safety. Predictably, my students are taught how to safely handle, carry, load, and discharge a pistol so that if they are ever imperiled they have options.
In addition, they are also taught the law so that by defending themselves they will be less likely to be civilly sued, be sent to prison, or both. What’s the point of carrying a firearm to protect yourself if you are going to spend a decade or two in the Big House? Exactly. There is no point. Carrying a gun should make you safer than not carrying one.
However, more than anything else students are going to learn how to make good decisions. A good part of that decision making is not engaging in any activities that puts them at risk for being attacked. Avoidance is truly the best policy. So, if a person really wants to be as safe as possible he will not go to a gas station in Detroit – or any other city – after dark. I have said it for years and just today our police chief made that suggestion …read more

Source:: Legally Armed in Detroit

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