Posted May 23, 2018 10:00 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

The Constitution of the United States of America is the most important document in the country. It lays the groundwork for our entire system of government, protects our natural rights as human beings, and sets limits on what the government can do. When you look at the history immediately proceeding its adoption, everything makes perfect sense.

After all, they’d just fought a war to get away from what they saw as a tyrannical government that wasn’t accountable to the people. They damn sure didn’t want to replicate those mistakes in their new country.

Yet now, a couple of centuries later, we find ourselves constantly battling against people who think they know more about what the Founding Fathers thought and felt despite their explicit writings.

Some of those people write opinion pieces for USA Today.

mid all we know about the Founding Fathers, two things stand out in the wake of yet another mass shooting that underscores the desperate need for action and the depth of our paralysis.

The first is that nearly a third of the 39 delegates who signed the Constitution endured the tragedy of losing children. By one count, 24 sons and daughters born to a dozen signers died …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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