Posted July 24, 2019 12:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Last week, many of us noted with horror the fire that took place at a Japanese animation studio. Dozens died and did so in one of the more horrific manners possible. Honestly, fire is one of those nightmares that wake me up in the middle of the night.

However, despite it still being a mass murder–one more lethal than Parkland or Sandy Hook and a death toll on par with Virginia Tech if you include the slain killer–it got remarkably little play in the American media. It was reported as happening, reported as arson, then promptly forgotten.

A USA Today op-ed notes just why that is.

In terms of the death toll, this was Japan’s worst mass killing in nearly two decades, sending shock waves throughout the island nation. Globally, the impact was deeply felt within the anime community, including those attending an international anime convention held in San Diego. Beyond that, the reaction was hardly commensurate with the horrific nature of the crime.

All mass killings deserve US attention

The limited attention here in the United States cannot be explained away on account of distance. Compare the coverage with that of the …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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