Posted August 12, 2019 8:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Few anti-gun op-eds acknowledge that gun rights are part of being a free society. In fact, some even try to argue that gun right somehow makes us less free. Apparently, they took the wrong lessons from their readings of 1984.

However, a friend tagged me in her sharing of this particular op-ed from the Salt Lake Tribune. It seems that the writer, George Pyle, doesn’t take issue with guns making us free…he just thinks we should give it up because it might make someone sad.

Consider the deeply felt need of far too many Americans to have the right to possess and sometimes to carry, in broad daylight, in normal places, semi-automatic weapons that civilized peoples consider weapons of war. The desire to so behave, and the argument that it is a right granted not just by the Constitution, but by God, is a claim of absolute security which, by definition, places all others in a position of absolute insecurity.

Unless, one supposes, everyone else is also carrying such a weapon. In which case the holder of absolute security becomes the one without any conscience or decency. The one who, in order to maintain his advantage, must …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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