Posted September 27, 2019 6:00 pm by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Earlier this week, a letter was made public calling on Warner Brothers to support gun control. The reason? Because they made a movie about a comic book villain that a mass killer dressed up as.

However, this wasn’t as shocking as it probably should have been.

For a while now, battle lines have been being drawn in this country. The fighting isn’t literal, or not yet, anyway. However, there is a war being waged, and it’s for the hearts and minds of corporate America.

Once upon a time, companies were careful not to take a political stance unless they were somehow being impacted. This was smart business. After all, you could easily lose customers by alienating them if you take positions different from them. While most people still associated with folks holding different political views at the time, companies were sensitive to maintaining the perception of neutrality.

This was a good thing as it allowed the discussion of important issues to not be muddied by corporate CEOs offering their opinions, opinions with not only might anger customers but which may also vary wildly from their stockholders or employees.

Yet the Warner Brothers letter isn’t even the first letter this month involving guns …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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