Posted February 19, 2019 8:00 pm by Comments

By David Codrea

Make no mistake, by the gun-grabbers’ own words on rare occasions when they’re not lying, this is their end goal for gun owners. They’ll take incremental surrenders to get there. And some ostensibly on “our side” are helping them by backing existing and new infringements. (U.S. Air Force photo)

U.S.A. – -( “No one wants to abolish the Second Amendment,” a News & Record letter to the editor from last April declared. “No one wants to take away our guns. Anyone who tells you otherwise is simply not being truthful.”

I bring up this older piece because it so perfectly covers all bases of the lies told by the citizen disarmament lobby in order to advance edict after edict until exactly what they’re claiming won’t happen is a done deal. But don’t take my word for it. Take theirs.

Let’s start with the first lie that no one wants to abolish the Second Amendment. Note that just the week before the editorial writer was telling his readership that whopper, former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens was making headlines for endorsing exactly that in The New York Times.

The month before, <a target="_blank" href="" …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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