Posted December 5, 2015 4:23 pm by Comments

By Rob Morse

Slow Facts

By Rob Morse in the United States. They lied, of course, but it is important to understand how and why.

It starts with something as dry and boring as FBI statistics. The rate of mass murder has been fairly constant for years. Then, under orders from President Obama, the FBI redefined mass murder. The old definition used to be four victims killed with a gun in a public place. The Obama administration changed the number to two people in 2012. Some archives also dropped the requirement for the homicide to be in a public place. Some counted the murderer as one of the victims. Those changes are important.

The new definition reclassified and confuses every domestic murder-suicide done in private with a mass public shooting done in a school or at a mall. The new definition worked for the anti-rights politicians. It produced the expected, and the politically desired, jump in “public shooting” statistics.

That still wasn’t enough. Some of the unofficial data now comes from online news agencies instead of the FBI. Rather than only counting the victims who were killed according to police reports, these source …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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