Posted December 13, 2015 1:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Zachary Stone (courtesy

In its editorial explaining its editorial calling for gun confiscation, New York Times editor Andrew Rosenthal revealed that his pistol-packing boss had declared a jihad on American gun rights. “Go ape shit on guns” being the operative instruction. Since coming out of the confiscation closet, the Times has continued its full-on war on Americans’ 2A rights. Just like The Daily Show, the Old Gray Lady sent a newbie to get his handgun license – to prove that the governments [of less enlightened states] are bestowing the “privilege” of carry on unworthy individuals. Guess what? He proved it! Or did he . . .

I’ve lived in Texas all my life, but I’d never touched a gun — they actually scare me. When I arrived at the gun shop to get my license, I didn’t know what to expect, except that there would be training and assessment. The course included no instruction about how to neutralize an active shooter, deal with moving targets, avoid innocent people or manage adrenaline and anxiety.

Some of the things that we did discuss in class left me exasperated.

Instructor: “You can only shoot in self-defense. This license is not for justice, …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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