Posted August 2, 2017 4:00 pm by Comments

By Jennifer Cruz

Don Hall, 70, is happy to have his guns back after a harrowing ordeal with authorities in New York. (Photo: The Post Standard)
A 70-year-old Vietnam War veteran recently spoke with reporters about an incident earlier this year in which six of his guns were confiscated by authorities in Taberg, New York, after he was incorrectly flagged as “mentally defective.”
“I was guilty until I could prove myself innocent,” Don Hall told The Post Standard. “They don’t tell you why or what you supposedly did.”
Hall called the ordeal “a bad screw-up.”
After several months, Hall finally got back his guns, but not before a great deal of legal battles and red tape that left him feeling frustrated.
Hall said, back in February, he was watching television with his girlfriend, Connie Heidenreich, around 9:30 p.m. when a group of Oneida County sheriff’s deputies showed up at his house. He said his first thought was that something had happened to someone in his family.
But that’s not why they were at Hall’s home.
After confirming Hall’s identity, the deputies announced they had a deposition and were there to take his guns. The news left Hall dumbfounded, but he obeyed the orders of the officers and retrieved his


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