Posted March 30, 2016 5:17 pm by Comments

By Justin Stakes

New Jersey
New Jersey
New Jersey Second Amendment Society
New Jersey Second Amendment Society

New Jersey -( have always been very vocal on the insanity of New Jersey’s gun laws and how they turn innocent people like you and me into criminals. Simple possession of an innate object could lead you to years in prison for a victimless crime.

A recent and prime example of this is the case of Carlo Bellario. A New Jersey actor and comedian who is now facing over 10 years in prison for…possession of a BB gun (also known as a toy gun in normal States).

For those of you who have not heard of his case yet, Carlos was volunteering for a low-budget production film playing the part of a bodyguard. While filming a scene for the movie he was provided what he thought was a prop gun. During the filming a neighbor called the police and when they arrived they arrested Carlos for illegal possession of a firearm and is now facing over 10 years in prison.

For more information on this please visit:

Now, instead of complaining about how bad New Jersey’s gun laws are (which we all already know) …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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