Posted December 4, 2015 10:25 am by Comments

By Charles Daniel


The Smith and Wesson Shield. By all accounts it is a home run and one of the best guns you can buy in that size range. In my household we have two of them; but in spite of my love for the gun, I was less than impressed with the 7 round magazine’s base pad. I really dislike wrapping my pinky finger back under the gun; I briefly entertained the thought of holding that finger straight out, but I didn’t want to look like a Duchess when I fired the gun. Ultimately it became a background issue since I seldom carried with the 7 round mag inserted.

I will stop right here and quell the calls for the Pearce Grip Extension. I had a Pearce Mag Extension. ONCE! It was a +2 on a Glock 17 mag and it failed with the gun in the holster, barfing the contents onto the ground behind me. Luckily I was just burning powder at a square range and not at a competition, or worse, in a self defense situation. Since then, Pearce anything is a no-go for me.

As I tell me kids, “you get what you …Read the Rest

Source:: Gun Nuts Media

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