Posted May 8, 2016 6:21 am by Comments

By Jason Reid

AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

By Jason Reid

AmmoLand Shooting Sports News

She looked down on me sitting at the desk. Another late night punching away at this keyboard when the door to my room rattled upon opening. From the darkness of the hallway my mother’s face was illuminated by the dim light. For a moment as I looked up and our eyes met, I was no longer her young adult son, but the baby she once could cradle in the crease of her arm. Never ending love surging through each vein and radiating through her eyes as she drowned in the infant innocence. For a moment I was just that little five year old looking back into her eyes for love and comfort, willing to do anything because I love mommy. For a moment she is sending her kids off to school for the first time with misty eyes. For a moment we are back in the garage as she snuck photos of an eager ten year old covered head to toe in goose feathers. Even through all the spitting, screaming, crying, lying, the kind of shenanigans in the animal kingdom which have mothers eating their young, for a moment, childlike love and innocence is …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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