Posted June 12, 2015 10:00 am by Comments

By Robert Farago

FN SCAR MK17 (courtesy

TTAG reader MarkPA writes:

We all need to ask ourselves: ‘How did we lose all the 2A rights that were lost during the 20th century? Did we lose them in one fell swoop? Or, did we lose them one or a few rights at a time? What made the antis so successful?’ Everyone wants to live in a fantasy land of his own imaginary Utopia. No one is eager to disturb his wishful thinking by practical considerations. Were the progressives that dumb? Should we be that dumb? . . .

We know that the registered machine gun has the most impressive statistics in criminal use. Since 1934 there seem to be at most a couple of crimes in which one was used; one by a cop. The difference in rate-of-fire between a full-automatic vs. a bump-fire vs. an ordinary semi-auto do not make machine guns dramatically more lethal than the alternatives.

Nevertheless, any proposal to repeal the Hughes Amendment will attract the pearl-clutchers like bees to honey. Why would we want to jeopardize all our other goals with a poison-pill objective of repealing Hughes?

If we want to be smart about approaching the NFA we should pick one or two soft underbelly issues; e.g., …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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