Posted October 19, 2015 12:27 pm by Comments

By Caleb

bold move cotton

I want to make Gun Nuts ad free. Now, the easiest way to do that would be to just shut off the ads, but “Gun Nuts” isn’t just a blog, it’s a business that generates revenue and has costs associated with it, so I can’t just turn my revenue stream off. So I’ve set up a Go Fund Me page where you, the readers can donate to make Gun Nuts ad free for the next 5 years.

Now, if you’ve clicked the link you’ve seen how much money I’m asking for, $100,000 and you probably have questions. That’s fine, I have answers. The first question is probably “Why go ad free? Don’t you work in the advertising sales business?” As a matter of fact, I do, and that’s part of why I want to take the site ad free. Gun Nuts is part of the GunUp network, which is owned by Media Lodge. I work for Media Lodge. I sell ads on sites all across the network, but I’d be damn liar if I said that Gun Nuts wasn’t always first in my heart. And it always will be, and that’s what we like to refer to as “a conflict …Read the Rest

Source:: Gun Nuts Media

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