Posted September 8, 2016 12:46 am by Comments

By [email protected] (Rick Ector)

Lethal Force Aftermath Seminar: Survivor Stories I

As a Firearms and Personal Protection Instructor, it has always been my personal and professional belief that there is not enough educational material about what happens after a lawful firearm carrier pulls the trigger.

Accordingly, I have developed a series of educational seminars to fill in the gap. My new series of seminars, entitled Survival Stories, features three lawful firearm carriers who were forced to defend themselves. Each speaker tells his story and then shares information that he wished he had known before being forced shoot.

In this episode, we feature a woman who defended herself and others while fighting off a carjacking attempt with a Glock handgun against a bad guy with an AK-47, a man who was forced to shoot while being held at gun-point in a bank parking lot, and a man who was forced to shoot to defend himself and another woman at a gas station.

Each of these “Survivor Stories” is unique and have very different outcomes: one was severely injured, one shot a bad guy and was quickly cleared by the authorities, and another man was charged with eight …Read the Rest

Source:: Legally Armed in Detroit

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