Posted November 20, 2017 11:14 am by Comments

By Ammoland Editor Joe Evans

Idaho Stand Your Ground
Leave Your Life in the Court’s Hands? No Thanks

USA -( “I don’t get it. Why do we need Stand-Your-Ground in Idaho? Don’t we already have it?”

That was one of the most recent comments I read on our Facebook page about the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance’s effort to pass real Stand-Your-Ground in Idaho.

The real question is, “Do you want to leave your life in the hands of a judge or prosecutor?” The time for Stand-Your-Ground is now, and you can help push it forward — more on that in a moment.

First, we must recognize that Idaho is one of the best states to live in as a gun owner.

Our carry laws are some of the strongest in the country. The courts are generally favorable to our cause. But that may not always be the case.

Slowly but surely Idaho is becoming infested with gun grabbers who wish to turn back time and revert to the days when criminals were the only ones with guns.

It may only be a matter of time before the liberal cities in Idaho grow large enough to turn us into the next Oregon or Washington. If that day is to come, we need to make Idaho’s …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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