Posted April 3, 2018 6:00 pm by Comments

By Dean Weingarten

Criminals Think Differently- Understand Them and Be Prepared
Criminals Think Differently- Understand Them and Be Prepared

Arizona -( It is undeniable that a significant percentage of killers are known to their victims.

This often makes self-defense claims easier to understand. Previous death threats, a violent criminal history, and/or a current restraining order does much to show that an armed victim was justified in shooting and/or killing a person they knew who was attacking them.

One of the most misleading statistics in the debates about self-defense is that “most victims know their killers”. Everyone knows hundreds or thousands of people in the area where they live. They know the creepy neighbor, the homeless guy who accosts people at the supermarket entrance, the teenager who burglarized the house down the block. They know the violent ex-boyfriend, the son who got into drugs and criminality who they are estranged from, the bad date who keeps calling. Some know the drug dealer next door, the local prostitutes and pimps, and the local gang members.

The “most victims know their killers” is intended to give the impression that people are primarily killed by people who they love and who love them. That impression is false. Most killers are not normal, ordinary people …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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