Posted May 29, 2018 2:53 pm by Comments

By Brandon Curtis

“Kitchens contain lethal knives which are potential murder weapons and only butchers and fishmongers need eight or 10 inch kitchen knives with points,” the judge said. This is a quote from a judge in the UK, Judge Nic Madge.

Since their gun ban, murders with knives have skyrocketed, and they even recently launched a campaign to try and get people to stop carrying knives. Seriously.

Since the ban on guns, Shooty McShooters have turned into Stabby McStabbers. Did anyone see that coming?

If the UK gets their way, knives will be banned and the bad guys will have to do one of the following:

  1. Get a gun on the black market
  2. Get a knife on the black market
  3. Buy a baseball bat
  4. Buy a screwdriver
  5. Buy a shovel
  6. Buy a 2×4
  7. Buy a van
  8. Buy anything that can be used to kill someone

It’s not so much the tool that’s used, but rather how people respond to what’s happening. Like, for example, the US is home to hundreds of millions of guns, and 99.9% of them are never used to kill someone. However, we also see a rate of some 2,500 self-defense uses with guns each day in the country.

So what exactly does the judge want done?

He wants …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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