Posted December 21, 2015 7:25 pm by Comments

By Ammoland

Liberty Counsel Action

by J. Matt Barber

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Liberty Counsel Action

USA – ).

Additionally, as he was preparing to selflessly surrender Himself for imminent crucifixion, He likewise encouraged His followers to arm themselves for imminent self-defense, saying, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one” (Luke 22:36).

Contrary to “progressive” wishful thinking, that sword wasn’t for opening letters.

And the modern equivalent of the sword is the gun.

But what, you ask, of the verses that say, “Turn the other cheek” (see Matthew 5:39), “Live by the sword, die by the sword,” (see Matthew 26:51) and “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord” (see Romans 12:19)?

Those who exploit these and other scriptures to suggest that Christ forbade self-defense, up to and including the use of justifiable deadly force, are taking these passages out of context. Christ’s “turn the other cheek” comment referred specifically to forgoing revenge and to being persecuted for His name’s sake by those who hate Christianity. It does not suggest that we parents must passively hand …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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