Posted August 11, 2015 6:00 pm by Comments

By Johannes Paulsen

Gov Jeb Bush (R) and Michael Bloomberg. Via

I didn’t watch the GOP reality show Presidential debates on Thursday night — as it happened, I needed to handle something at the office, which pretty much dragged on all night. (Oh, the things I do to rack up billable hours each month.) But, in sorting through the after-action reports, I did notice one thing in particular that may have been forgotten in the aftermath of the subsequent Trump meltdown: former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was hit hard by one of the moderators in the debate for an association he had with a certain philanthropic organization . . .

KELLY:…Governor Bush, let’s start with you. Many Republicans have been outraged recently by a series of videos on Planned Parenthood. You now say that you support ending federal funding for this organization.

However, until late 2014, right before you started your campaign, you sat on the board of a Bloomberg charity that quite publicly gave tens of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood while you were a director.

How could you not know about these well publicized donations, and if you did know, how could you help a charity so openly committed to abortion rights?

BUSH: I joined the Bloomberg Foundation because …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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