Posted January 4, 2018 10:30 am by Comments

By Chris Eger

Promising a channel dedicated to the “Courteous discussion of topics involving humanity,” the CEO of Tactical Response is once again on YouTube.
The often-controversial Tennessee-based speaker and training company owner saw his popular channel removed from the internet video hosting platform over content issues last month but posted the above introduction to his new YouTube channel on Wednesday. While he says he will post new content such as gear reviews as well as recycle selected older videos, Yeager says he is pumping the brakes to a degree moving forward.
“It’s going to be a little bit different. I can’t talk about all of the things I wanted to talk about,” says Yeager in the 10-minute clip, stressing viewers will get “about 50 percent” of what he would like to say. “I gotta be very careful about what I do, what I say. Every product. You know, people are getting strikes on just the product they were using.”
Though in his exile from the colossal video-sharing website, Yeager has started a drive to fund a new social media platform, LiberTV, which would be more Second Amendment-friendly– and all Yeager at first– in the end, he says that he needs YouTube.
“YouTube is the second largest


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