Posted July 7, 2017 5:23 pm by Comments

By Don McDougall

Nancy Pelosi

by Don McDougall : Opinion

Nancy Pelosi
Don McDougall
Don McDougall

U.S.A.-( James T. Hodgkinson’s plan was clear. He wanted to kill enough Republicans to wrest control of the House from the GOP and make Nany Pelosi speaker again.

While there were only some 20 odd GOP House members on the diamond the morning he opened fire, 20 other GOP representatives were not there or had left, with a 24 seat gap dividing the Democrat and Republican parties for control the loss of 40 GOP House members would have given control to the Democrats.

This wasn’t about hate, it wasn’t about a guy losing it. It was a clear calculated political move to shift control of the house of representatives from one party to the other. The part that concerns me is his meeting with ranking members of the Democrat party and the supporters of Bernie Sanders.

To be blunt Mr. Hodgkinson seems more of a dupe than the mastermind.

The day or so before the shooting he was having his van checked to head home. He meets with Bernie Sanders’ people and changes his life’s purpose. All I’m saying is that someone seems to have helped change …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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