Posted August 16, 2015 10:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Edna Hines (courtesy

“The step-granddaughter of actor Morgan Freeman was stabbed to death on a street by her deranged boyfriend in Washington Heights early Sunday,” reports. “Police officers found E’Dena Hines, 33, lying in the middle of W. 162nd near St. Nicholas Ave. with several knife wounds to her chest around 3 a.m., according to authorities. ‘Get out devils! I cast you out Devils in the name of Jesus Christ! I cast you out!’ the 30-year-old man repeatedly said, according to George Hudacko, 65, who saw the attack and called 911. ‘I watched someone get murdered, and there was nothing I could do,’ Hudacko added.” So there were two people who could have . . .

stopped the attack: Ms. Hines and Mr. Hudacko (excluding the attacker himself). Unfortunately, neither carried the most effective form of personal defense: a gun. Given the City’s gun control regime, the chances of anyone not as politically connected as [presidential candidate] Donald Trump or [New York Times publisher] Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. acquiring a permit to carry a concealed firearm inside The City That Never Sleeps are, for all intents and purpose, nil. No doubt, then, the actress had to …read more

Source:: Truth About Guns

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