Posted October 7, 2015 11:43 pm by Comments

By Patriot Outdoor News

Many voters are clearly tired of “politics as usual,” a fact reflected in current 2016 Presidential polls as non-traditional candidates dominate the Republican Presidential field, and perform well in head-to-head matchups against establishment Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton.

Among the rookie politicians doing well at this time is retired pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, who is solidly in second place behind reality television star and businessman Donald Trump.

While Trump has a concealed carry permit and mouthed the right platitudes recently, he’s also embraced universal background checks, waiting periods, and bans on certain kinds of firearms in the past.

Dr. Carson made similar statements in 2013, but has since worked hard to educate himself on the issue of gun rights. Carson has been very clear on his newfound support of the Second Amendment after the recent mass murder at an Oregon Community College.

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson used to support certain gun control measures, like bans on assault weapons and armor-piercing bullets, but said he felt differently after reading about tyranny.

“Reading people like Daniel Webster, who talked about tyranny in Europe and said it would never occur in America because the American people were armed,” …Read the Rest

Source:: Patriot Outdoor News

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