Posted February 9, 2016 10:00 pm by Comments

By Robert Farago

Ruth Glenn (courtesy

I have every sympathy for victims of domestic violence. It is not their fault. No one in that situation deserves to be abused, threatened, injured or killed. If the victim of domestic abuse chooses not to arm themselves in self-defense — for whatever reason — that is their right and I respect it. Yes, victims are ultimately responsible for their own safety, and the safety of their children. But first and foremost the abuser is responsible for his or her behavior. All that said, neither victim nor abuser has the right to disarm anyone. So when Ruth Glenn [above] tells The Trace . . .

There are a handful who do believe that victims should arm themselves. The vast majority feel like I do: that the safety of victims and survivors of domestic violence isn’t being considered. And it’s disappointing.

There you go again: another gun control advocate who believes that Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is subject to the democratic process. It isn’t. As the Heller decision affirmed, gun rights are an individual right.

If just ONE person wants to arm herself against domestic abuse (or for any other reason), that is …Read the Rest

Source:: Truth About Guns

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