Indian Army Plans to Upgrade the INSAS Rifle. Part 1 – History
By Vladimir Onokoy
The history of the Indian INSAS rifle is quite unique and has always been marked by controversy. And even if you never heard of it before, you can figure out its reputation just by reading headlines of TFB articles published in the last 10 years: India Replaces All INSAS Rifles In “Red Zones” With AKs, Cites INSAS as “Defective” INSAS Malfunctions Caught on Video in Combat Indian Army wants to ditch the INSAS India To Adopt Indigenous Rifle Design To Replace Troubled INSASI have always been fascinated with the INSAS rifle. While working in India, I spent many hours interviewing Indian soldiers from different units and branches about their experience with different types of service rifles. I also had a chance to test INSAS myself and it was an unforgettable experience.Recently a company called Star Aerospace presented a modernization kit, that includes a new magazine, folding adjustable stock, pistol grip, new handguard, and a receiver cover with integrated Picatinny rail.This upgrade makes a lot of sense, but to truly understand why it is essential for the Indian army, let’s dive
Source: The Firearm Blog
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