Posted January 6, 2016 12:20 pm by Comments

By Ammoland

King Obama

By John Farnam

I’m Not Trying To Confiscate Your Guns, He Says,,, Yeah Right
Defense Training International, Inc
Defense Training International, Inc

Ft Collins, CO –-( “I’ve come to realize what a good test one’s attitude towards guns is about whether someone’s mind is liberty-oriented. If one is okay with police having guns, or whoever is designated as having ‘authority,’ but panicked at the thought of their fellow man or themselves having guns, then that is someone who does not think like a free person. He places a magical aura around whoever is in charge and only thinks they can wield power.”

“This will come up again in other areas, such as letting government make economic decisions, but fearing individual people making those decisions themselves. Is it any wonder Bloomberg, who is archaically anti-gun, is so hostile to individual freedom in so many other areas? Because, as reflected in his view on gun ownership, he just doesn’t fundamentally buy into the concept of liberty at all.” ~ Frank J Fleming

BHO’s long-awaited, and hollow “speech” yesterday was on the subject of the private ownership of guns in the USA:

As always, the president seeks the seizure …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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