Posted December 21, 2017 11:59 pm by Comments

By Kevin Reese

Hunting Safer with SafeShoot | New Help in the Moment of Truth
Hunting Safer with SafeShoot | New Help in the Moment of Truth

U.S.A.-( It’s a funny thing, sensitivity. Years ago, my biology professor explained sensory overload and the first time I was sprayed by a skunk, seconds after I sent a mess of shot through it with a semi-auto 12-gauge, her message made sense; as quickly as the spray overwhelmed me, it disappeared. I couldn’t smell a thing. Unfortunately, my wife’s senses are world-class and she locked me out of the house. After a solid hour of bathing in a concoction my wife threw together, the stench dissipated. I still couldn’t smell it but my wife suggested it was at least tolerable.

While desensitization worked great for me in that particularly shameful event, the consequences of my ill-planned attack on the skunk played out rather harshly on my wife. It reminds of something my Pop always said, “Life is full of choices; however, the consequences are clearly defined.” So there I was, years ago, a witness to the consequences of poor planning and becoming desensitized.

Like most lessons, I internalize each and every one… and somehow, good or bad, assign them roles in governing virtually every aspect of my life. …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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