Posted October 29, 2017 10:00 am by Comments

By Tom Knighton

Harvard University’s David Hemenway isn’t a gun fan. He’s apparently a favorite of the left when they need a friendly academic to bolster their inane rhetoric. Hemenway’s latest effort comes when he, and a handful of others, decided to look at what people are actually taught at a firearms class.

All trainers covered a wide variety of safety issues. Some specific basics were covered in 90+% of the classes, including how to safely load/unload a gun, keeping your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot, and being aware of your target and what is behind it. In 50%–75% of the classes, the trainer covered topics such as operating a safety, clearing jams and cartridge malfunctions, and recommended storing guns unloaded and locked when not in use. Few instructors covered firearm suicide prevention (10%) or domestic violence (10%). Most encouraged gun ownership, gun carrying, gun use in self-defence and membership in a gun rights group.

You know, you’d be surprised to learn that gun instructors actually take safety very seriously…unless you actually knew anyone in the gun community, where you’d see that desire for safety to be incredibly serious and universal.

Most also covered things like operating a firearm because, …Read the Rest

Source:: Bearing Arms

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