Posted January 9, 2017 1:10 am by Comments

By Gregory Smith

From the Defensive Handgun Safe to the Heirloom Safe, learn what you need to know about purchasing the right safe for the job.

If you’re reading this I’m going to assume you’ve ruled out hiding your gun behind the plaster in your walls or sewn into a couch somewhere convenient. Good! Great really, after all no one wants to be punching sixty holes in the wall trying to r8member where you left the Colt when your door gets kicked in. I’ll assume that you’re someone who values practically and convenience, as well as their hard earned dollar. Maybe you typed in “gun safes for sale” or something similar, and you’ve been brought here to the aptly named “”. Now what? What does a gun safe need compared to say a safe for treasured photos, documents, or some cash, and how do you balance finding cheap gun safes with finding ones that do their job?

Well, for one, guns aren’t exactly flat and most of them aren’t too small or rectangular either, so the shape and size is a big one. Security matters too, after all below a certain point of quality you may as well be zip-tying your gun …Read the Rest

Source:: Selling the Second Amendment

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