Posted October 10, 2017 9:00 am by Comments

By Leroy Thompson

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<div data-cycle-hash="amd-65-2" data-cycle-desc="While the muzzle brake reduces recoil, it makes the rifle loud. " data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>AMD-65 carbine muzzle brake

<div data-cycle-hash="amd-65-3" data-cycle-desc="To ease production supplies and costs, the AMD-65's foregrip and rear pistol grip are actually the same component—the foregrip is just reversed. " data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>AMD-65 carbine grips

<div data-cycle-hash="amd-65-4" data-cycle-desc="Note the foregrip, which is angled to clear the magazine. " data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>AMD-65 carbine foregrip

<div data-cycle-hash="amd-65-5" data-cycle-desc="A screw holds the stock hinge in place." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>AMD-65 carbine stock hinge

<div data-cycle-hash="amd-65-6" data-cycle-desc="The stock is another minimalist feature. It folds to the right side to make the rifle more compact, but it doesn't offer a solid cheekweld." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>AMD-65 carbine folding stock

<div data-cycle-hash="amd-65-7" data-cycle-desc="While the AMD-65 has many unusual components, including a ventilated steel handguard, a two-chamber muzzle brake, a polymer foregrip and a T-shaped folding stock, the carbine is still an AK at heart, with standard sights and controls, such as the paddle-style magazine release lever." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“><img src="" data-src="×383.1504703962.jpg" data-aspect="1.780679" data-max-height="384" …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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