Posted May 30, 2017 3:03 pm by Comments

By Francis Borek

The STAR Super B’s lineage from the 1911 is quite evident on the outside. (Photo: Francis Borek)
There are plenty of reasons why modern shooters enjoy 1911 handguns and, despite valid criticisms, John Browning’s famed design still endures to this day. One criticism that dogs the 1911 these days however are the prices.
New US-made 1911s can start at around $650 and work their way up from there (unless of course you catch a store having a sale). Foreign made examples start around $400. To complicate matters, long time shooters of this platform often won’t even touch a 1911 under $800 and will advise others to do the same. Then there is the price of ammunition to factor in as well.
Luckily for many, Spain adopted a near-clone of the 1911 and kept it in service for decades.
Soon after the First World War (in which they were officially neutral) the Spanish Army realised that their standard issue handgun was too complex for the modern battlefield. “Complex” made for a gun that cost more in both money and time, two factors armies could not spare in war. Accordingly, Spain re-evaluated what their native handgun companies, like Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A., were producing alongside the


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