Posted February 8, 2016 10:00 am by Comments

By Ed Head

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<div data-cycle-hash="twfm16-g36-lead" data-cycle-desc="Walther's rimfire G36 would make a great low-cost training option for tactical units." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="twfm16-g36-controls" data-cycle-desc="The Walther G36 loads and operates much like its centerfire brethren. It comes with a polymer, 20-round magazine, and like the original, the top-mounted charging handle is ambidextrous. It swings to either side to chamber the first round or clear the gun. " data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="twfm16-g36-solo" data-cycle-desc="Walther's G36 in .22 LR is the first officially licensed rimfire reproduction of Heckler & Koch's 5.56mm NATO G36 rifle, which has served with the German military for 20 years. Shown with a Walther PS55 red-dot sight." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="twfm16-g36-top" data-cycle-desc="Like the original G36, the polymer stock folds to the right side, bringing the rimfire G36's overall length down to just
28 inches." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="twfm16-g36-fold" data-cycle-desc="“For sport shooting, small-game hunting or target shooting with low-cost .22 LR ammo, this rifle is an out-of-the-park hit …”" data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="twfm16-g36-target" data-cycle-desc="During testing, all of the 40-grain rounds clustered into tight groups at 100 feet." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“><img src="" data-src="×383.gif" data-aspect="1.780679" …Read the Rest

Source:: Tactical Life

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