Posted July 1, 2015 11:00 am by Comments

By Dave Bahde

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<div data-cycle-hash="mka1919-twa15-lead" data-cycle-desc="It looks like an AR, handles like an AR and has controls like an AR,
but the box-magazine-fed MKA 1919 Match packs 12-gauge stopping power in a soft-shooting package ready for CQB missions." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="mka1919-twa15-charging" data-cycle-desc="The MKA 1919 Match comes with an AR-style carry handle/rear sight that can be removed for adding sights and optics to the top rail. Also note the shotgun's enlarged, right-side-mounted charging handle." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="mka1919-twa15-barrel" data-cycle-desc="The shotgun sports an A2-style front sight and a polymer handguard similar to an AR's, and the 18.5-inch barrel comes with three interchangeable chokes as well as a tool to install them securely." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="mka1919-twa15-field" data-cycle-desc="With a Bushnell CQTS
red-dot sight mounted on the top rail, the MKA 1919 Match ran flawlessly on the range and produced tight patterns during testing." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“>

<div data-cycle-hash="mka1919-twa15-mag" data-cycle-desc="EAA ships the MKA 1919 Match with two metal, five-round magazines that can accept either 2¾- or 3-inch shells. After the last round is fired, the bolt locks back—a plus for today's operators." data-cycle-overlay-template="{{desc}}“><img src="" data-src="×383.1434573663.jpg" …read more

Source:: Tactical Life

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