Posted January 31, 2016 7:13 pm by Comments

By Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten

By Dean Weingarten

Wisconsin State Capitol

Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -( A gun law reform bill passed the Wisconsin legislature on 20 January of 2016, with little fanfare. It was approved by both the Milwaukee Police Association and the National Rifle Association. Overall, the bill makes reforms in the way that courts treat the return of firearms when they are taken into custody by police.

The bill creates a rigid legal framework for gun owners to regain possession of their property. It does this by requiring courts to issue orders to police to return guns under rigidly defined conditions. It is an incremental reform, as it provides a clear vehicle for a person to have a firearm returned; but there are significant flaws.

The most obvious flaw is the burden that is placed on the owner of the firearm. The police took the private property. The burden should be on them to return it if it becomes clear that no charges will be filed, or for other reasons that are stated in the legislation. Instead, the burden will lie with the property owner. Time and expense required to …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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