Posted February 28, 2020 2:00 pm by Comments

By Rob Morse

Richmond Aftermath: Is Dem Gun Control Push Political Suicide? Photo by John Crump
Despite a massive Second Amendment rally in Richmond, Virginia in January, Democrats are pushing gun control and apparently punishing sheriffs’ deputies by withholding pay raises because lawmen spoke out against new gun control laws. Photo by John Crump

U.S.A.-( The mainstream media tells us that guns cause crime. The media shows us night after night that guns are bad. We see it in their “news” and in their Hollywood dramas. We recently conducted another massive public experiment and the results contradict the media’s story about guns. We put tens of thousands of armed men and women on the street in one small area. The rate of crime dropped precipitously when these armed civilians were there.

Guns brought peace. Let me show you what happened.

Twenty-five-to-fifty thousand people came to the Virginia Capital on one morning to lobby the legislature. Once they filled the capital grounds, they overflowed into the streets in every direction.

A few thousand people deliberately disarmed to enter the capitol building. I can’t prove that everyone else was armed, but the vast majority of them were since this was a second-amendment protest. Judging from the pictures I’ve seen and the people I’ve talked to, for …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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