Posted November 12, 2019 3:41 pm by Comments

By AmmoLand Editor Duncan Johnson

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has a gun control wish list he is pushing. (Screen Snip, YouTube)

U.S.A.-( Northam has declared war on Virginia’s gun owners: CHP holders, open carriers, hunters, target shooters, sport shooters, collectors, and competitors. All of us. (Northam wants to strip us of our right to self-defense and is even looking at confiscating guns.)

So be it! But we are very much in the fight

As the dust cloud has been settling from election day, my optimism that we can derail a lot of Northam’s agenda has been growing steadily.

Admiral Yamamoto, after bombing Pearl Harbor in 1941, famously said, “I fear that all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Yes, that is exactly what Pearl Harbor did. And that’s exactly what shoving gun control down our throats will do, too!

And we are tired of so called “compromises,” that always involve us giving up some of our rights, and getting absolutely nothing in return. That is not a compromise, that’s stupid!

Virginia’s gun owners are model citizens, with CHP holders being the most law-abiding of the law-abiding. We are fed up with being punished and pushed around …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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