Posted December 6, 2016 12:18 pm by Comments

By James Tarr

Choosing the Right Lights and Lasers

Technology is progressing at a rate most people find hard to grasp. Cars these days are basically computers with wheels. LPs were replaced by eight-tracks, which were replaced by cassette tapes, which were replaced by CDs, which have been all but replaced by digital music carried around in iPods a quarter the size of a deck of cards.

Technology pertinent to gun owners — i.e., flashlights and lasers — has advanced as well. Remember the laser unit on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 1911 in “The Terminator”? It was mounted on top of a seven-inch model because the unit itself was the size of two toilet-paper tubes (and I’ll let you in on a little secret — the battery pack was hidden on Arnold, connected to the gun by wires running down his arm). That movie came out in 1984, which means that in less than 30 years we’ve been able to make brighter, more powerful, longer-lasting lasers that are not one-tenth that size, but one one-hundredth! Flashlight technology has advanced apace, and modern handheld offerings are so bright that I’m surprised they don’t come with warnings that say “Accidental exposure may cause temporary blindness.” Let’s look at modern lasers first.

Targeting Dots
These days you …Read the Rest

Source:: Guns and Ammo

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