Posted November 27, 2018 8:30 am by Comments

By Chris Eger

The Kalash, to include one with a Romanian dong grip, have a crisp look to them but we wouldn’t be surprised if you added some replacement furniture they would be good to go. (Photos: Police Service of Northern Ireland)
A residential fire in a boiler shed in Belfast earlier this month turned up a small stockpile of charred guns and ended in two arrests.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland released the details of the Nov. 14 blaze at a west Belfast address in hopes of producing tips from those who knew of someone connected to the found guns as the resident was apparently unaware the items were being stored there.
“In that boiler house was a substantial amount of weapons and ammunition, including two AK 47 assault rifles, two sawn-off shotguns, a high power rifle with silencer, three pipe bombs and over 100 rounds of live ammunition,” said Detective Superintendent John McVea. “As the fire developed, some of these rounds exploded causing significant danger to local residents and the Fire Service who were trying to put out the fire.”
A little Ballistol should fix that right up
Still better than half of the builds we have seen lately
Some standard mags were also recovered
As well


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