Posted August 12, 2016 11:58 am by Comments

By James England

CLEVELAND, OHIO — When an armed robber attempted to take down a Family Dollar, he probably wasn’t expecting to run into a concealed carrier. With more concealed carriers in the United States than ever before, that’s a bad bet to make.

According to FOX 8 News, police are still investigating the scene that took place. Witnesses attest that the armed robber entered the premises and attempted to rob the store. A concealed carrier pulled his gun and shots were exchanged. The concealed carrier scored a direct hit to the robber’s head while suffering no injuries on his part.

No one else was injured.

WKYC News reports that the concealed carrier was detained by police while the investigation took place. No word on the robber or results due to the injuries he sustained.

This feeds into a number of things we regularly point out on this blog.

Carry every single day.

How many times when you walk into a local supermarket, grocery store, or pharmacy do you expect to run into an armed robber?

For most people, their guess is precisely zero. Broad daylight armed robberies are extremely dangerous because if the robber is dumb enough to try to commit a violent crime while …Read the Rest

Source:: Concealed Nation

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