Posted June 26, 2018 12:53 pm by Comments

By Ammoland

#Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting - and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back

Emotions from Tragedy Used to Squash Debate.

#Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting – and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back

-( America’s anti-gun movement and their allies in the media exploit the emotion from tragedies such as the Parkland School shooting to recycle failed gun-control rhetoric, reveals New York Times best-selling author and constitutional attorney, Mark W. Smith, in his new book #Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting – and How Gun Owners Can Fight Back.

(Bombardier Books; $14.99 paperback/$7.99 ebook; June, 2018)

#Duped: How the Anti-gun Lobby Exploits the Parkland School Shooting

In #Duped, Smith unveils how young people like the Parkland students are exploited for political gain to short-circuit any legitimate debate depriving law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment right to bear arms. This all-out campaign has put gun owners and Americans who support the right to bear arms on the defensive.

Smith breaks down the seven gun grabbing myths that have been perpetuated by the anti-gun movement, as well as the mainstream media. Smith reveals in #Duped data and facts to dispel these myths while not dismissing the ordeal gun violence victims have …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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