Posted December 12, 2018 10:00 pm by Comments

By Greg Camp

Desiderata for the NRA's Executive Vice President
Desiderata for the NRA’s Executive Vice President

USA – -( The executive vice president of the National Rifle Association is the person who runs the organization at the pleasure of the board, someone like a prime minister who wields power under the figurehead king. Since 1991, that office has been filled by Wayne LaPierre, for good and for ill. There is talk that he is considering stepping down, and it’s worth considering what kind of person should succeed him.

I am not a member of the NRA, and LaPierre is a part of the reason why—more about that in a moment. My purpose in this article is to offer some friendly advice from a supporter of gun rights who ideally would like to join, but at the very least wants success for the goals that we share.

First off, a new executive vice president needs to be able to devise strategy and tactics that will achieve victories. Being right is important, but so is winning. This would mean not being for something before turning against it, as LaPierre did on the question of universal background checks, for example. It also means leading the charge, rather than grousing from the …Read the Rest

Source:: AmmoLand

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